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More from Mr. Gurdjieff

Earn Bitcoin for sharing things you like. Offer Bitcoin for sharing your product or service. It all runs on BitcoinSV.

Bitcoin Theory covers the design of Bitcoin as a system as prescribed by Satoshi Nakamoto. This course is open to anyone who is interested in Bitcoin and is the beginner course in this series.

"I knew this was the case during the ICO craze, because that was a blatant boiler-room fundraising scheme, but some of the ideas in the DeFi movement actually seemed more utilitarian. I decided to look into some of the roadmap items of popular projects. "

More from Mr. Gurdjieff

Earn Bitcoin for sharing things you like. Offer Bitcoin for sharing your product or service. It all runs on BitcoinSV.

Bitcoin Theory covers the design of Bitcoin as a system as prescribed by Satoshi Nakamoto. This course is open to anyone who is interested in Bitcoin and is the beginner course in this series.

"I knew this was the case during the ICO craze, because that was a blatant boiler-room fundraising scheme, but some of the ideas in the DeFi movement actually seemed more utilitarian. I decided to look into some of the roadmap items of popular projects. "