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More from Daniel Wagner

*GASP* Have y'all seen this sexist bullshit? The systemic patriarchy strikes again! It's probably because of the extra pay men make that they can afford the extra daily sugar! #genderpaygap #Phobeismist


Oh My Gosh...I just watched this and it was HILARIOUS... Thanks Daniel @UnframeofMind and Anthony @unframeofmindat I was laughing at Anthony's Laughing... What an "Infectious" Show. Bwahahahahaa... I don't know If I will ever be able to talk to you again without thinking of your Police "Tip Off" reaction...πŸ˜„πŸ˜…πŸ€£

More from Daniel Wagner

*GASP* Have y'all seen this sexist bullshit? The systemic patriarchy strikes again! It's probably because of the extra pay men make that they can afford the extra daily sugar! #genderpaygap #Phobeismist


Oh My Gosh...I just watched this and it was HILARIOUS... Thanks Daniel @UnframeofMind and Anthony @unframeofmindat I was laughing at Anthony's Laughing... What an "Infectious" Show. Bwahahahahaa... I don't know If I will ever be able to talk to you again without thinking of your Police "Tip Off" reaction...πŸ˜„πŸ˜…πŸ€£