Went to the library cause I needed a printer for taxes. Had a display for Black Hisrory Month but it was more of a shrine for Obama. OBAMA OF ALL NIGGAS. There were a few others but it was primarily him. They did have bookmarks of other forgotten black figures but they were on tribal looking bookmarks. Which I can't tell is racist or not.

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"Why would we go to rehab when drugs are legal?"


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/02/01/oregon-decriminalizes-all-drugs-offers-treatment-instead-jail-time/4311046001/ I strongly agree with this, we should’ve done this a very long time ago. Locking people up for injecting poisons into their bodies such as cocaine, heroin, fentanyl, and others is cruel and unusual punishment and goes against who were are as a country. If you know someone that’s an addict, get them some freaking help, not call the cops on them.

No, Brick. The smart thing to do is never learn from your mistakes and continue to repeat them over and over then blame someone else. Otherwise it's our fault. Fuck that.


I really can't believe the people who have seen their favorite things ruined by retarded leftists and poisonous progressivism Then turn around and say "We need these people here or Minds will turn into an echo chamber" Lol. Lmao.

More from Travis

"Why would we go to rehab when drugs are legal?"


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/02/01/oregon-decriminalizes-all-drugs-offers-treatment-instead-jail-time/4311046001/ I strongly agree with this, we should’ve done this a very long time ago. Locking people up for injecting poisons into their bodies such as cocaine, heroin, fentanyl, and others is cruel and unusual punishment and goes against who were are as a country. If you know someone that’s an addict, get them some freaking help, not call the cops on them.

No, Brick. The smart thing to do is never learn from your mistakes and continue to repeat them over and over then blame someone else. Otherwise it's our fault. Fuck that.


I really can't believe the people who have seen their favorite things ruined by retarded leftists and poisonous progressivism Then turn around and say "We need these people here or Minds will turn into an echo chamber" Lol. Lmao.