''There are few modest talents so richly rewarded — especially in politics and the media — as the ability to portray parasites as victims, and portray demands for preferential treatment as struggles for equal rights.'' - Thomas Sowell

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For almost five years I've said a thousand times that your personal privacy and anonymity will be worth more than gold, you must become self-employed, and staying anonymous online is paramount for your life. This will be the norm very soon. #news #parler #gab #purge #witchhunts

Do I hear four masks? Masks are the NWO global reset slave collar wrapped around humanity. #news #masks #pandemic #covid #covid19

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For almost five years I've said a thousand times that your personal privacy and anonymity will be worth more than gold, you must become self-employed, and staying anonymous online is paramount for your life. This will be the norm very soon. #news #parler #gab #purge #witchhunts

Do I hear four masks? Masks are the NWO global reset slave collar wrapped around humanity. #news #masks #pandemic #covid #covid19