''Imagine an enemy who would attack you in a way that you wouldn't even notice it's happening. Instead of shooting your men, this enemy encouraged them to coom to pornography until their testosterone levels fell so low they could hardly get worked up about anything. Instead of...See more

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For almost five years I've said a thousand times that your personal privacy and anonymity will be worth more than gold, you must become self-employed, and staying anonymous online is paramount for your life. This will be the norm very soon. #news #parler #gab #purge #witchhunts

Do I hear four masks? Masks are the NWO global reset slave collar wrapped around humanity. #news #masks #pandemic #covid #covid19

Author Goldberg? EST.

More from TruthWhisper

For almost five years I've said a thousand times that your personal privacy and anonymity will be worth more than gold, you must become self-employed, and staying anonymous online is paramount for your life. This will be the norm very soon. #news #parler #gab #purge #witchhunts

Do I hear four masks? Masks are the NWO global reset slave collar wrapped around humanity. #news #masks #pandemic #covid #covid19

Author Goldberg? EST.