What do you have power over? Your mind? Your emotions? Your spirit? Your body? Do you have power over your finances? With things out of your control, what do you hold the keys to? Do you know how to gain footholds on any of these areas? Because you can. There are so many resources. What do you need?

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More from Sun Seed

People who salvage computer parts know that metal is worth something. Could we not apply bitcoin principles to hard coin? Re-evaluate what metal is worth? I took a jewelry class in high school and still work with metal (in the middle if the most epic project actually) and am...See more

Guess who has Aquarius placements ๐Ÿฅฐ I know I have at least one of my first phones...maybe a CD or cassette player. Growing up watching technology evolve was so cool. Best part of the 90's. Do you have any pieces of personal history? I love nature and I love tech. I hope the relationship with tech can be a healthy one in the future. There are some scary things, but also some amazing things. https://youtu.be/HTCvkswrsWY

Definitely on the Sag train today๐Ÿฅฐ The issue I have with dropping youtube, is that some people don't host their videos on their own sites. You can go to their site, but their videos link to youtube. I'm going to try to squeeze a couple historical lectures in before work. If you know scholars, please encourage them to have their own site and hosted content. If my favorite astrologers drop youtube, I know where to get their content. Something I'm thankful to patreon for as well. https://youtu.be/AGAtW9szcxQ

More from Sun Seed

People who salvage computer parts know that metal is worth something. Could we not apply bitcoin principles to hard coin? Re-evaluate what metal is worth? I took a jewelry class in high school and still work with metal (in the middle if the most epic project actually) and am...See more

Guess who has Aquarius placements ๐Ÿฅฐ I know I have at least one of my first phones...maybe a CD or cassette player. Growing up watching technology evolve was so cool. Best part of the 90's. Do you have any pieces of personal history? I love nature and I love tech. I hope the relationship with tech can be a healthy one in the future. There are some scary things, but also some amazing things. https://youtu.be/HTCvkswrsWY

Definitely on the Sag train today๐Ÿฅฐ The issue I have with dropping youtube, is that some people don't host their videos on their own sites. You can go to their site, but their videos link to youtube. I'm going to try to squeeze a couple historical lectures in before work. If you know scholars, please encourage them to have their own site and hosted content. If my favorite astrologers drop youtube, I know where to get their content. Something I'm thankful to patreon for as well. https://youtu.be/AGAtW9szcxQ