If they manage to push conservatives out of the Internet we should just print memes and spread them around town.

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Marshal of Kekistan // Check my newsfeed for more original memes // Please interact to support // #pepe #culturewar #funny #comedy #meme


Reminder that true threats of violence are not protected under the first amendment and are not allowed on minds. Please use the report tool to notify our team about any potential threats so we can review and take action if necessary. This is where big tech is trying to fight the battle. The best way to fight back is to stay respectful, civil and within the law. Don't give them what they want. #minds #terms #freespeech #firstamendment #bigtech

More from ChannelFantastico


Marshal of Kekistan // Check my newsfeed for more original memes // Please interact to support // #pepe #culturewar #funny #comedy #meme


Reminder that true threats of violence are not protected under the first amendment and are not allowed on minds. Please use the report tool to notify our team about any potential threats so we can review and take action if necessary. This is where big tech is trying to fight the battle. The best way to fight back is to stay respectful, civil and within the law. Don't give them what they want. #minds #terms #freespeech #firstamendment #bigtech