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The Usurper pedophile joe and his greasy HO will be ILLEGITIMATE and should be DEFIED, RIDICULED & MOCKED. Do NOT comply with ANY of their make pretend laws because the senate control hinged on fraud in Georgia, beyond joe and the ho being seated by FRAUD. Nothing this government does going forward is legit. This is a criminal treasonous regime! Degenerate GARBAGE!

More from StandardsBearer

The Usurper pedophile joe and his greasy HO will be ILLEGITIMATE and should be DEFIED, RIDICULED & MOCKED. Do NOT comply with ANY of their make pretend laws because the senate control hinged on fraud in Georgia, beyond joe and the ho being seated by FRAUD. Nothing this government does going forward is legit. This is a criminal treasonous regime! Degenerate GARBAGE!