Kushner has always caused us doubt. Ivanka too. While he should love his family, these two especially should not be in any position whatsoever to interfere. He needs to go back to slumlording at his 666 address in NYC and Ivanka needs to go back to making handbags.

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More from President Elect Dr. Eric the Awful

At least they finally have NG guarding the right nation.

"Nancy" showed up in the House with a mask on. People are saying this doesn't look or sound anything like her.

I've been tracking a plane I stumbled on a little over two hours ago. I saw two planes pop up over the middle of DC and noticed this one. It flew this grid for over two hours and appears to have headed out now. Started east and worked west. Plane fagging is fun.

More from President Elect Dr. Eric the Awful

At least they finally have NG guarding the right nation.

"Nancy" showed up in the House with a mask on. People are saying this doesn't look or sound anything like her.

I've been tracking a plane I stumbled on a little over two hours ago. I saw two planes pop up over the middle of DC and noticed this one. It flew this grid for over two hours and appears to have headed out now. Started east and worked west. Plane fagging is fun.