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https://www.politico.com/news/2020/12/28/trump-private-schools-pandemic-451757 Trump executive order states that Schools that are not open don't deserve money. That money should go to the families of children who can then seek out their own schooling options.


The criminal elite believe that they are above the law & can do whatever they please. They also believe that they have a right to take down anyone who they see as a threat & is in their way. They also believe that God is silent & is not watching.......They couldn't be more wrong. Justice is coming.

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https://www.politico.com/news/2020/12/28/trump-private-schools-pandemic-451757 Trump executive order states that Schools that are not open don't deserve money. That money should go to the families of children who can then seek out their own schooling options.


The criminal elite believe that they are above the law & can do whatever they please. They also believe that they have a right to take down anyone who they see as a threat & is in their way. They also believe that God is silent & is not watching.......They couldn't be more wrong. Justice is coming.