More from Redonkulas Reupload

After the success of "Booty Call Mileage: Reloaded" on alt-tech, Popp wants to revisit some of the other first season episodes and give them a makeover. If you haven't seen this episode, give it a watch ( and let us know: What are some classic mistakes you've made?

What about the feminists contributing to the entitlement mindset behind BLM and Antifa? You know, the ones who spent the last 8 months burning looting and murdering, all because “muh police brutality”? But now when police murder unarmed civilians it’s okay and protests are “insurrection.” Right. Tell me another one, you vapid cunt.

More from Redonkulas Reupload

After the success of "Booty Call Mileage: Reloaded" on alt-tech, Popp wants to revisit some of the other first season episodes and give them a makeover. If you haven't seen this episode, give it a watch ( and let us know: What are some classic mistakes you've made?

What about the feminists contributing to the entitlement mindset behind BLM and Antifa? You know, the ones who spent the last 8 months burning looting and murdering, all because “muh police brutality”? But now when police murder unarmed civilians it’s okay and protests are “insurrection.” Right. Tell me another one, you vapid cunt.