The thing about Telegram is it's not just available on a smartphone app. I use it most of the time on my PC, and only sometimes am I using it on my phone, which I try to avoid using these days. Even if the Jew faggot pedophile (but I repeat myself) overlords cancel it we can...See more

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"Violence for me but not for thee" is the Leftist motto because they know that if people started shooting back they'd all be dead very quickly. Where are the charges for these people? Why are they still on social media? How is it that they still have jobs? Oh that's right, Jews.

The ONLY real strategy the Left has is violence.

Leftists love violence when they are using it themselves.

More from MattysModernLife

"Violence for me but not for thee" is the Leftist motto because they know that if people started shooting back they'd all be dead very quickly. Where are the charges for these people? Why are they still on social media? How is it that they still have jobs? Oh that's right, Jews.

The ONLY real strategy the Left has is violence.

Leftists love violence when they are using it themselves.