Очень правильное решение! Сжечь ведьму! А если не сгорит, то точно ведьма! А если сгорит, то может быть и не ведьма, там разберёмся! #censorship #telegram #2021

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UPDATE: According to the CEO of Parler they weren't hacked. I just learned about this. I don't know if this is true or not, but you should still take it seriously. I would still advice you to change your passwords regardless if they were or were not hacked. This video from Vee...See more

Не лепо ли ны бяшет, братие, начати старыми словесы трудных повестий о кофе бедуинском, кофе с сахаром? (Наконец-то мальчик с кофейником, кажется, пролез в файлоприёмник) #sinai #bedouin #mobilography #prisma #cahve

More from agavr


UPDATE: According to the CEO of Parler they weren't hacked. I just learned about this. I don't know if this is true or not, but you should still take it seriously. I would still advice you to change your passwords regardless if they were or were not hacked. This video from Vee...See more

Не лепо ли ны бяшет, братие, начати старыми словесы трудных повестий о кофе бедуинском, кофе с сахаром? (Наконец-то мальчик с кофейником, кажется, пролез в файлоприёмник) #sinai #bedouin #mobilography #prisma #cahve