As the end date of the Mayan calendar arrived there was much speculation as to whether this was a harbinger of doom for mankind and life as we know it. I think it’s still too early to determine that with any certainty, however a great case can now be made for the idea that...See more

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Six months ago amid the panic and the hype surrounding the coronavirus outbreak the New Zealand government made an announcement that went mostly unnoticed by the mainstream media. It was a policy decision that the whole western world should have been up in arms about. New...See more

Canada: Quebec is Now Under the Equivalent of COVID ‘Martial Law’ – No One is Allowed on the Streets 8pm to 5am

1.) Above all else, be direct and be honest. Be the one that says what has for too long gone unsaid. 2.) Love insanely. Let it all out into the open. You don’t have time to hold back any longer. 3.) Make yourself strong. Physically strong, emotionally strong, spiritually strong. 4.) Practice radical detachment and letting go. We need to create space for the new paradigm to emerge:

More from HumansAreFree

Six months ago amid the panic and the hype surrounding the coronavirus outbreak the New Zealand government made an announcement that went mostly unnoticed by the mainstream media. It was a policy decision that the whole western world should have been up in arms about. New...See more

Canada: Quebec is Now Under the Equivalent of COVID ‘Martial Law’ – No One is Allowed on the Streets 8pm to 5am

1.) Above all else, be direct and be honest. Be the one that says what has for too long gone unsaid. 2.) Love insanely. Let it all out into the open. You don’t have time to hold back any longer. 3.) Make yourself strong. Physically strong, emotionally strong, spiritually strong. 4.) Practice radical detachment and letting go. We need to create space for the new paradigm to emerge: