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Take a look at this piece of inconvenient history from 2003 before the article probably gets memory holed. Save yourself a copy of it by exporting it in your web browser as a .pdf.

And I see normies on Twitter are happy with this. Like they accept the premise that the human immune system just stopped working in 2020 and now needs to be augmented by big Pharma every 6 months. We need some kind of awakening soon, anything, feck it! I'll take 5% of the...See more

Finally! The true red-pilling of Americans can begin as they realise that there is no political solution and that the Trump train was another false dawn. To stop the globalist / Communist takeover, the people must rise up. Voting for Jack Johnson or John Jackson at the ballot...See more

More from Dave Cullen

Take a look at this piece of inconvenient history from 2003 before the article probably gets memory holed. Save yourself a copy of it by exporting it in your web browser as a .pdf.

And I see normies on Twitter are happy with this. Like they accept the premise that the human immune system just stopped working in 2020 and now needs to be augmented by big Pharma every 6 months. We need some kind of awakening soon, anything, feck it! I'll take 5% of the...See more

Finally! The true red-pilling of Americans can begin as they realise that there is no political solution and that the Trump train was another false dawn. To stop the globalist / Communist takeover, the people must rise up. Voting for Jack Johnson or John Jackson at the ballot...See more