More from VDAREfoundation

"I want to show that we are absolutely ready to defend immigration patriotism & the Historic American Nation from behind our castle walls in Berkeley Springs WV, with the aid of the dragon that has become a tradition here." -@peterbrimelow #MerryChristmas

"Although vaccines are one of Western medicine’s greatest inventions, I think people should be free to refuse to take the COVID vaccine for any reason, such as, off the top of my head, they’re young and healthy. But liberals don’t! Anti-vaxxers are one of the media’s most...See more

More from VDAREfoundation

"I want to show that we are absolutely ready to defend immigration patriotism & the Historic American Nation from behind our castle walls in Berkeley Springs WV, with the aid of the dragon that has become a tradition here." -@peterbrimelow #MerryChristmas

"Although vaccines are one of Western medicine’s greatest inventions, I think people should be free to refuse to take the COVID vaccine for any reason, such as, off the top of my head, they’re young and healthy. But liberals don’t! Anti-vaxxers are one of the media’s most...See more