Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory

Inspectors also found human meat in several trucks on their way to deliver the burgers to the fast food restaurants. There are reports which suggest that upon inspecting McDonald's factories and food restaurants throughout the country, food authorities found human meat in 90% of...See more

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Apple 666, Artemis, iPads (infertility pads), Project Inkwell, Connect ED, E-rate, and Agenda 21-an expose with an all star cast

To Be Or Not To Be That Is The Question

Now that you know that the tyrannical movement is advancing speedily on a worldwide scale... You must now ask yourself where you stand. Ask yourself "Am I ready to break Man's Laws for the sake of freedom, for my morals and principles?" Never ever... EVER never trust...See more

More from Justin Case

Apple 666, Artemis, iPads (infertility pads), Project Inkwell, Connect ED, E-rate, and Agenda 21-an expose with an all star cast

To Be Or Not To Be That Is The Question

Now that you know that the tyrannical movement is advancing speedily on a worldwide scale... You must now ask yourself where you stand. Ask yourself "Am I ready to break Man's Laws for the sake of freedom, for my morals and principles?" Never ever... EVER never trust...See more