Juicy Benjamin
  • verified_user

This is gonna be a little bit of a weird suggestion and I might be the only one here actually interested in this feature, but figured it wouldn't hurt sharing it. Now that Minds have already / are looking into the whole remind system, I have another thing that could be added as...See more

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Avatars now removed from reminding posts now, Really! really!!! 60% Whitespace of death too now this. We are not amused (ಠ_ಠ)

Bill Ottman
  • verified_user

New in Canary: Video embed codes so you can share Minds videos on other sites.

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Avatars now removed from reminding posts now, Really! really!!! 60% Whitespace of death too now this. We are not amused (ಠ_ಠ)

Bill Ottman
  • verified_user

New in Canary: Video embed codes so you can share Minds videos on other sites.