... and there it is: Procter & Gamble, among many other TOXIC products of Monsanto...

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When Q Anon says “These people are stupid”, not only are they being KIND by using the word “people”, but they are also talking about things like this: https://us.pg.com/brands/ P&G has been so kind as to post a complete list of their crappy, SJW OR DIE, designed to kill us, poison-filled, brain-destroying, lung-infecting, cancer-causing CRAP… so we can avoid their TOXIC BULLSHIT altogether!

More from AquariusNL

When Q Anon says “These people are stupid”, not only are they being KIND by using the word “people”, but they are also talking about things like this: https://us.pg.com/brands/ P&G has been so kind as to post a complete list of their crappy, SJW OR DIE, designed to kill us, poison-filled, brain-destroying, lung-infecting, cancer-causing CRAP… so we can avoid their TOXIC BULLSHIT altogether!