Currently Pfizer is claiming, without evidence, that its vaccine is “90% effective.” But this claim is little more than corporate propaganda designed to drive up stock prices through false projections. But why do these vaccines need to be kept at -70*C in the first place? The...See more

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Globalist Klaus Schwab made it clear that transhumanism is an integral part of “The Great Reset” when he said that the fourth industrial revolution would “lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” which in his book he clarifies is implantable microchips...See more

Something huge is going down in Washington D.C. and across the nation, regarding the massive, treasonous vote theft and election fraud carried out by the Democrat party in collusion with communist China. Simultaneously, Trump attorney Sidney Powell says the Kraken has been...See more

Lin Wood repeated several times during the interview, “They got caught!” Lin Wood: “This election was a fraud. Donald Trump won I believe a 70% plus landslide election in the nation. He probably won over 400 electoral votes.”

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Globalist Klaus Schwab made it clear that transhumanism is an integral part of “The Great Reset” when he said that the fourth industrial revolution would “lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” which in his book he clarifies is implantable microchips...See more

Something huge is going down in Washington D.C. and across the nation, regarding the massive, treasonous vote theft and election fraud carried out by the Democrat party in collusion with communist China. Simultaneously, Trump attorney Sidney Powell says the Kraken has been...See more

Lin Wood repeated several times during the interview, “They got caught!” Lin Wood: “This election was a fraud. Donald Trump won I believe a 70% plus landslide election in the nation. He probably won over 400 electoral votes.”