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Forget #turduken.... #rabbipossadillo Is the new normal!!!

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Ronald Reagan was a fantastic President and he was a lot like Trump, having ben the head of the Screen Actors Guild and then the Gov of California. But he was an actor/personality first and foremost. He had a way of reaching through the camera to speak to you as a person. He...See more

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🤡🌎🦇🦠😷🐑🍕⛩🤡🌎☠️😠😤😡🤬🦅💰🎯☄️🐉💥💡 Please, visit @TheStrike! Channel to catch what you might have missed in your MindsFeed. ~/~/~/~~/~/~/~~/~/~/~~/~/~/~~/~/~/~ Like what we do? Kindly Comment, Tip a Token, Remind & Subscribe to . . . The Strike! #Humor #Memes #News #Wisdom #Politics

Ronald Reagan was a fantastic President and he was a lot like Trump, having ben the head of the Screen Actors Guild and then the Gov of California. But he was an actor/personality first and foremost. He had a way of reaching through the camera to speak to you as a person. He...See more