capitalism it's system where CAPITAL own all means of production and through this appear as ruling class. you can earn money even in slavery. you have free market in slavery. everything owned privatly in slavery. nothing that you define as "capitalism" Is not specific for capitalism and might be found in any previous system of economy. no relation to capitalism whatsoever.

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because if you would open your mind and stop blindly belive what you've beig tald by american propaganda for past 70 years you would understand that almost all I say it's true... including russian hitory and communism. sadly it's hard for westerners reject something that they soak in with mothers milk


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because if you would open your mind and stop blindly belive what you've beig tald by american propaganda for past 70 years you would understand that almost all I say it's true... including russian hitory and communism. sadly it's hard for westerners reject something that they soak in with mothers milk
