If True, Then The;

Office of the Director of National Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) National Security Agency (NSA) Military Intelligence Corps (MI) Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA) Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) Office of...See more

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Why President Trump Is Hated By All The Right People

"Google on Friday said it's adding voter information to its search engine and maps app." I've been told (reliable source, I won't confirm) that if you query Goolag for an address Maps lists the voter registration of everyone on the map. Yes, voter registrations are public records, just not all that easy to navigate. Goolag has made it much easier to target people. Frightened yet? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/google-adds-voting-location-information-to-its-search-and-maps-services/ar-BB1a5JE9

More from FedraFarmer

Why President Trump Is Hated By All The Right People

"Google on Friday said it's adding voter information to its search engine and maps app." I've been told (reliable source, I won't confirm) that if you query Goolag for an address Maps lists the voter registration of everyone on the map. Yes, voter registrations are public records, just not all that easy to navigate. Goolag has made it much easier to target people. Frightened yet? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/google-adds-voting-location-information-to-its-search-and-maps-services/ar-BB1a5JE9