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Facebook put a "fact-check" overlay on this post, saying there's no evidence that mask use leads to a higher risk of catching the virus. The only problem is, the article doesn't say that. It says that 85% of those who caught the virus wore a mask -- the point being that masks don't work. In Facebook's desperation to suppress any information that doesn't fit the narrative, they "fact-check" data from the CDC with information that has nothing to do with the article. https://jordanschachtel.substack.com/p/cdc-85-of-covid-19-patients-report

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Facebook put a "fact-check" overlay on this post, saying there's no evidence that mask use leads to a higher risk of catching the virus. The only problem is, the article doesn't say that. It says that 85% of those who caught the virus wore a mask -- the point being that masks don't work. In Facebook's desperation to suppress any information that doesn't fit the narrative, they "fact-check" data from the CDC with information that has nothing to do with the article. https://jordanschachtel.substack.com/p/cdc-85-of-covid-19-patients-report