Anarchists are utopian say the statists (including minarchists). They say there is no possible way that stateless societies could exist without devolving back into a statist society. But how is anarchy more utopian than a limited government? The idea that anarchy can't exist is...See more

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When you have a society that is controlled by a monopoly on violence (aka the state), you get a violent society. And when you're taught that that violent monopoly is necessary for society to function, you're teaching everyone that violence is necessary to solve problems. But...See more

Just a friendly reminder that everything the state does is by coercion and violent force. So the next time you think "there should be a law to xxx", keep in mind that you are really saying, "it's ok to use violence to make xxx happen." Practice non-aggression. Live...See more

More from Lady Voluntary

When you have a society that is controlled by a monopoly on violence (aka the state), you get a violent society. And when you're taught that that violent monopoly is necessary for society to function, you're teaching everyone that violence is necessary to solve problems. But...See more

Just a friendly reminder that everything the state does is by coercion and violent force. So the next time you think "there should be a law to xxx", keep in mind that you are really saying, "it's ok to use violence to make xxx happen." Practice non-aggression. Live...See more