One of my favorite pieces, on anarchism in Somalia, is still making the rounds. The best thing for me as a contrarian agitator is getting a piece publish on a far-left site like CounterPunch and then seeing it get posted on a far-right site like Nowhere News. This is why Facebook wants my tranny scalp. Uniting the tribes is a big no-no for globalist neoliberal shitbirds. They can choke on my man-clit.

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Solidarity is a bitch when everyone who can afford a knife is slitting each other’s throat. That’s the nasty little limerick that keeps playing on repeat in my skull like a mantra as populist grassroots uprisings devolve into bitter proxy wars between roaming tribes of bitter...See more

Fuck Facebook. Those motherfucking, cocksucking, shiteating, PC fuck wads pretend that they're all about community and safe spaces, well it's all fucking horseshit. This is the third time I've been kick off by those self-righteous motherfucking corporate bag-munchers for choosing...See more

You can kill the preacher but the sermon lives on in the hearts of the faithful.

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Solidarity is a bitch when everyone who can afford a knife is slitting each other’s throat. That’s the nasty little limerick that keeps playing on repeat in my skull like a mantra as populist grassroots uprisings devolve into bitter proxy wars between roaming tribes of bitter...See more

Fuck Facebook. Those motherfucking, cocksucking, shiteating, PC fuck wads pretend that they're all about community and safe spaces, well it's all fucking horseshit. This is the third time I've been kick off by those self-righteous motherfucking corporate bag-munchers for choosing...See more

You can kill the preacher but the sermon lives on in the hearts of the faithful.