My 3 book, what an amazing journey... . Have you ever felt a certain #discomfort or lack of motivation to talk about money? Did you leave any #financially important issues for later, for convenience? Or are you still #postponing the creation of your plan to gain financial...See more

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Learn how to stop feeling out of control and start to bring into balance your emotional experience. Realise how to understand each and every one of the many emotions you experience daily, what they mean, and how you can effectively utilize them. Abraham Hicks followers know that...See more

This was my first (& now best seller) book... what an amazing time to be ALIVE!! . "Have you ever wondered why we have so many thoughts throughout the day? Or why we are here? Carla Frederico`s writing touches all these aspects and much more in an away that helps every person...See more

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Learn how to stop feeling out of control and start to bring into balance your emotional experience. Realise how to understand each and every one of the many emotions you experience daily, what they mean, and how you can effectively utilize them. Abraham Hicks followers know that...See more

This was my first (& now best seller) book... what an amazing time to be ALIVE!! . "Have you ever wondered why we have so many thoughts throughout the day? Or why we are here? Carla Frederico`s writing touches all these aspects and much more in an away that helps every person...See more