Emergency: Gunfire, bodies, Biden's BLM Murder Wave, US fracturing, and help needed to save ALPAC by tomorrow morning! https://www.alipac.us/f8/emergency-gunfire-bodies-bidens-blm-murder-wave-us-fracturing-379630/

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24 Hours till hard Deadline: Help us fuel up and prepare to launch our new strategy against the Democrats, Biden, their non-citizen voters, and their violent and destructive street thugs in La Raza, BLM, and ANTIFA! https://www.alipac.us/f8/24-hours-till-hard-deadline-379623/

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24 Hours till hard Deadline: Help us fuel up and prepare to launch our new strategy against the Democrats, Biden, their non-citizen voters, and their violent and destructive street thugs in La Raza, BLM, and ANTIFA! https://www.alipac.us/f8/24-hours-till-hard-deadline-379623/