More from The Pholosopher

I'm not anti-social because I love individualism and individual property rights. I am "anti-socialIST!" Get your own tee here: #socialismsucks #libertarian #capitalism #ancap #individualist

No more obfuscations with language. Every element of mass harm was caused by governments, starting with the CCP's covering up information to the various state heads wrecking the economy with violent threats of force against innocent, healthy people. #mises #rothbard #libertarian #ancap #endtheshutdown

It should be apparent at this point that those claiming to be "journalists" these days in the corporate press are really just stooges for the deep state and the Democratic party. The media is nothing more than a propaganda machine. Get your own tee here: #libertarian #ancap #voluntaryist #taxationistheft #mises

More from The Pholosopher

I'm not anti-social because I love individualism and individual property rights. I am "anti-socialIST!" Get your own tee here: #socialismsucks #libertarian #capitalism #ancap #individualist

No more obfuscations with language. Every element of mass harm was caused by governments, starting with the CCP's covering up information to the various state heads wrecking the economy with violent threats of force against innocent, healthy people. #mises #rothbard #libertarian #ancap #endtheshutdown

It should be apparent at this point that those claiming to be "journalists" these days in the corporate press are really just stooges for the deep state and the Democratic party. The media is nothing more than a propaganda machine. Get your own tee here: #libertarian #ancap #voluntaryist #taxationistheft #mises