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School... You start out young and ignorant, and twelve years later you get a wizard cape and a silly hat. But can we still do that in a pandemic? Union officials and other experts shrug in confusion. "Until somebody does something, we're going to be as lost as piglets in hail storm." (Just kidding - not a real quote!!)

Semi-Scary Graph: rapid recovery in consumer spending. Spending rebounded, thanks to government assistance. Meanwhile, GDP is falling straight down. You can't have an economy based on spending rather than creating. You can't consume without producing. 100% of the economy is production, the "P" in GDP.

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School... You start out young and ignorant, and twelve years later you get a wizard cape and a silly hat. But can we still do that in a pandemic? Union officials and other experts shrug in confusion. "Until somebody does something, we're going to be as lost as piglets in hail storm." (Just kidding - not a real quote!!)

Semi-Scary Graph: rapid recovery in consumer spending. Spending rebounded, thanks to government assistance. Meanwhile, GDP is falling straight down. You can't have an economy based on spending rather than creating. You can't consume without producing. 100% of the economy is production, the "P" in GDP.