"What could we change in 21st Century American culture to improve the behavior of African-Americans so that they don’t commit so many murders and so they try harder in school? Secondly, public intellectuals should be pondering how best to prepare the public for the likely deluge...See more

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"Steve Sailer says Kamala Harris failed "the difficult California bar exam" on her first try. Harris flunked the California State Bar exam in 1989, when the pass rate was nearly 60 percent. " @Steve_Sailer https://vdare.com/letters/a-reader-insists-that-kamala-s-bar-exam-fail-was-pretty-bad

The point of wearing light-colored scrubs is to make body fluids easy to see so you know when to change them. But, in our ever more childish society where My Favorite Color logic is becoming dominant, woke doctors are switching to black scrubs. https://vdare.com/posts/doctors-support-blm-by-ditching-white-for-black-coats