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"This Asian Yale student went on to say, “Maybe some of my ex-friends who didn’t get into Yale think Yale discriminates, but I don’t talk to those losers anymore. I have much higher-class Yale Man friends to talk to now.” - @Steve_Sailer

After all, what white racist doesn’t want to spray paint “talk too much” on a black’s car? You might almost think that most of the Hate Crime practitioners are self-absorbed nonwhites who can’t be bothered to imagine what actual whites would say…

More from VDAREfoundation

"This Asian Yale student went on to say, “Maybe some of my ex-friends who didn’t get into Yale think Yale discriminates, but I don’t talk to those losers anymore. I have much higher-class Yale Man friends to talk to now.” - @Steve_Sailer

After all, what white racist doesn’t want to spray paint “talk too much” on a black’s car? You might almost think that most of the Hate Crime practitioners are self-absorbed nonwhites who can’t be bothered to imagine what actual whites would say…