The solution to sign theft this election is to coat the signs with Fentanyl. Hopefully they will clear the property before dropping dead & that the cops that respond will be wearing gloves. The news leaves out the part where he says he told her to leave his sign alone & to get off his property.

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Translation: we need to state to take our potatoes off our hands and deal with them, waste valuable school resources on those who most likely will never be able to function on their own I can hardly wait to hear all the masked tards sperging out stories. My favorite comment on the video is in the comment section.

As a nonprofit organization do they carry insurance to cover damages that result from any of their gatherings? Violence and criminal activities that happens at their publicized gatherings, many which would be able to be charged with the RICO statue should be prosecuted as such & cause them to lose their tax exempt status.

More from whiteprideisnotahatecrime

Translation: we need to state to take our potatoes off our hands and deal with them, waste valuable school resources on those who most likely will never be able to function on their own I can hardly wait to hear all the masked tards sperging out stories. My favorite comment on the video is in the comment section.

As a nonprofit organization do they carry insurance to cover damages that result from any of their gatherings? Violence and criminal activities that happens at their publicized gatherings, many which would be able to be charged with the RICO statue should be prosecuted as such & cause them to lose their tax exempt status.