Why does Lina Hidalgo keep the Harris County COVID-19 Threat Level at its hightest mark? Cases have been declining in the county for over a month. https://harriscounty.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/c0de71f8ea484b85bb5efcb7c07c6914 #news #Texas #FactsMatter #lockdown

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As #California tries to sort out its hopelessly bungled #CCPVirus reporting, here are a few presumably more reliable data points: Hospitalizations are down, ICU patients are down, and the state has more open ICU beds now than in March. https://deadline.com/2020/08/california-coronavirus-update-new-case-numbers-plummet-lowest-daily-total-in-7-weeks-1203013673/ #news #FactsMatter

More from A Voice Of Liberty

As #California tries to sort out its hopelessly bungled #CCPVirus reporting, here are a few presumably more reliable data points: Hospitalizations are down, ICU patients are down, and the state has more open ICU beds now than in March. https://deadline.com/2020/08/california-coronavirus-update-new-case-numbers-plummet-lowest-daily-total-in-7-weeks-1203013673/ #news #FactsMatter