While the legacy media clutches its pearls over whether there is enought #CCPVirus testing, the reality in the #Texas Medical Center is that CCPVirus hospitalizations have been declining for weeks. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/12/accuracy-of-us-coronavirus-data-thrown-into-question-as-decline-in-testing-skews-drop-in-new-cases.html #news #pandemic #FactsMatter

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The People's Bank of #China has historically resisted naked QE measures that are standard for other central banks. That resistance appears to have ended. Hyperinflation looms in China's near future. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/chinas-central-bank-has-quietly-launched-its-own-qe #news #economy #banking #money

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The People's Bank of #China has historically resisted naked QE measures that are standard for other central banks. That resistance appears to have ended. Hyperinflation looms in China's near future. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/chinas-central-bank-has-quietly-launched-its-own-qe #news #economy #banking #money