83% of #NYC #restaurants are unable to pay July rent. Restaurant closures are going to be apocalyptic in coming weeks. Legacy of the lunatic #lockdown: killing off an entire industry. http://archive.vn/6sF0n #news #FactsMatter

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Harris County has had 86,563 cases, 36,073 active cases, and 905 deaths from #CCPVirus. Yet Cy-Fair ISD teachers think the virus is a death sentence. Parents, just homeschool. Teachers are too stupid to do their jobs. https://www.chron.com/neighborhood/cyfair-news/article/Cy-Fair-teachers-protesting-district-s-reopening-15472360.php?cmpid=hpctp #news #education #FactsMatter

More from A Voice Of Liberty

Harris County has had 86,563 cases, 36,073 active cases, and 905 deaths from #CCPVirus. Yet Cy-Fair ISD teachers think the virus is a death sentence. Parents, just homeschool. Teachers are too stupid to do their jobs. https://www.chron.com/neighborhood/cyfair-news/article/Cy-Fair-teachers-protesting-district-s-reopening-15472360.php?cmpid=hpctp #news #education #FactsMatter