Why does the US Government need to study methods to "persuade" people to take the #CCPVirus #vaccine? Why are simple facts, reason, and evidence not enough? Is it because the facts and the evidence show no reason for the vaccine? https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04460703?term=Vaccine&cond=Covid19&cntry=US&draw=2 #news #FactsMatter

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Is it not remarkable that the we no longer ponder IF Joe #Biden is in cognitive decline, but rather how far that decline has progressed? And is it not terrifying the #Democrats still want him as their standard bearer come the fall? https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jul/31/why-joe-bidens-vice-presidential-pick-will-matter-/ #news #election2020

#FDA guidelines for the #CCPVirus #vaccines being rushed into production (safety be damned) state that the vaccine just has to work 50% of the time. And "work" means you still get sick, just not very sick. Your tax dollars at work. http://archive.vn/ld1XZ #news #pandemic

More from A Voice Of Liberty

Is it not remarkable that the we no longer ponder IF Joe #Biden is in cognitive decline, but rather how far that decline has progressed? And is it not terrifying the #Democrats still want him as their standard bearer come the fall? https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jul/31/why-joe-bidens-vice-presidential-pick-will-matter-/ #news #election2020

#FDA guidelines for the #CCPVirus #vaccines being rushed into production (safety be damned) state that the vaccine just has to work 50% of the time. And "work" means you still get sick, just not very sick. Your tax dollars at work. http://archive.vn/ld1XZ #news #pandemic