#Vaccines are a product. Products can be tainted during manufacture. Such errors are the proper liability of the manufacturer. Unless your Big Pharma, in which case your vaccines can kill and people have no recourse. http://archive.vn/eahTf #news #CCPVirus #ProductLiability

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The weakness the #ECB shares with the Federal Reserve is its willingness to prop up zombie companies that are functionally bankrupt but survive through central bank #debt chicanery. Both are still slowly disintegrating. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/eurozones-financial-disintegration #news #economy #banking

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The weakness the #ECB shares with the Federal Reserve is its willingness to prop up zombie companies that are functionally bankrupt but survive through central bank #debt chicanery. Both are still slowly disintegrating. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/eurozones-financial-disintegration #news #economy #banking