Even if Three Gorges Dam does not fail, this year's #floods have already done considerable economic damage to #China, with direct economic losses of more than $20 Billion (and rising). 3GD is a flood control failure. https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3975669 #news #Yangtze #ThreeGorgesDam

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The Netherlands acknowledges what I have been arguing for months: there is no scientific evidence that a public health strategy of wearing face masks is an effective mitigation against #CCPVirus. http://archive.vn/k6q2Y #news #lockdown #FactsMatter #EndTheShutdown

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The Netherlands acknowledges what I have been arguing for months: there is no scientific evidence that a public health strategy of wearing face masks is an effective mitigation against #CCPVirus. http://archive.vn/k6q2Y #news #lockdown #FactsMatter #EndTheShutdown