The Art of War

5 key elements or conditions in a war plan: Universal condition: justification of the mission; Celestial condition: timing; Terrestrial condition: location; The human condition: leadership; Technic condition: weapons.

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Empty Town Strategy A battle illustrated in the Chinese novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Three Kingdoms Warfare), planned and executed by Zhu Geliang

Zhuge Liang is the prime minister of the Shu Kingdom in the Three Kingdoms Period, and one of the top Daoist political/military strategists in Chinese history.

Chinese calligraphy -- Couplets composed by Zhuge Liang, prime minister of the Shu Kingdom in the Three Kingdoms Period, and one of the top Daoist political/military strategists in Chinese history. If you can win people's heart, you don't need wars; If you don't know the situation, you can't win any wars. 能攻心则反侧自消,从古知兵非好战; 不审势即宽严皆误,后来治蜀要深思。 Note: It is to win people's hearts not people's minds because most people don't think but responding by emotion and, sometimes, instinct.

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Empty Town Strategy A battle illustrated in the Chinese novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Three Kingdoms Warfare), planned and executed by Zhu Geliang

Zhuge Liang is the prime minister of the Shu Kingdom in the Three Kingdoms Period, and one of the top Daoist political/military strategists in Chinese history.

Chinese calligraphy -- Couplets composed by Zhuge Liang, prime minister of the Shu Kingdom in the Three Kingdoms Period, and one of the top Daoist political/military strategists in Chinese history. If you can win people's heart, you don't need wars; If you don't know the situation, you can't win any wars. 能攻心则反侧自消,从古知兵非好战; 不审势即宽严皆误,后来治蜀要深思。 Note: It is to win people's hearts not people's minds because most people don't think but responding by emotion and, sometimes, instinct.