PG&E Pleads Guilty to 84 Counts of Manslaughter in Camp Fire Case BUT NOBODY GOES TO PRISON WE NEED LEGISLATION FOR THE MANDATORY; Criminal Charges With The Reckless Operation Of Corporations That Actually Put People In Jail With Mandatory Sentences In Reference: PG&E Pleads...See more

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Millions of Americans are suffering the consequences of a corrupted judicial system while the main stream news remains silent WHY DO INNOCENT PEOPLE PLEAD GUILTY TO CRIMES THEY DIDN’T COMMIT? {Reference Citation of ten articles & or web pages} A Collection of the #GuiltyPleaProblem #Epidemic #flynn > >>> > Contrasting Justice With Julian Assange's Mother, Christine Assange

The Red Collar Crimes Of American Roulette aka Criminalize The Reckless Operation Of Corporations & Arrest The Corporate Psychopaths > The original concept for this was conceived at "The Donner Party Dinner Table" {Forestville, CA.}.. This page is in bad need of editing and...See more

More from Criminal Charges Against People For Their Reckless Operation Of A Corporation

Millions of Americans are suffering the consequences of a corrupted judicial system while the main stream news remains silent WHY DO INNOCENT PEOPLE PLEAD GUILTY TO CRIMES THEY DIDN’T COMMIT? {Reference Citation of ten articles & or web pages} A Collection of the #GuiltyPleaProblem #Epidemic #flynn > >>> > Contrasting Justice With Julian Assange's Mother, Christine Assange

The Red Collar Crimes Of American Roulette aka Criminalize The Reckless Operation Of Corporations & Arrest The Corporate Psychopaths > The original concept for this was conceived at "The Donner Party Dinner Table" {Forestville, CA.}.. This page is in bad need of editing and...See more