More from katsuakira a giveaway by the @thequartering youtube channel for a chance to enter and win can use this link i hope he helps someone who really needs it

2 people in the uk decied to ask by visual protest why the lockdown happing why 100k unchecked people have entred the uk this week , this was no way racist but the police are useing the race card to stop anyone asking questions this is tyranny #uk #raceism #lockdown #wuhanvirus


#minds Michigan patriots are fed up with Gestapo Gretchen. Join our protest! If you can’t be here, make share the videos that are uploaded about the event. The world needs to know about the FEMINAZI in the Michigan governor’s office.

More from katsuakira a giveaway by the @thequartering youtube channel for a chance to enter and win can use this link i hope he helps someone who really needs it

2 people in the uk decied to ask by visual protest why the lockdown happing why 100k unchecked people have entred the uk this week , this was no way racist but the police are useing the race card to stop anyone asking questions this is tyranny #uk #raceism #lockdown #wuhanvirus


#minds Michigan patriots are fed up with Gestapo Gretchen. Join our protest! If you can’t be here, make share the videos that are uploaded about the event. The world needs to know about the FEMINAZI in the Michigan governor’s office.