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More from Virtualstan Leejohn Conwayverse

How to make Mars-plants that flourish without a dome of Earth-like conditions, in 3 easy steps: 1) Take some Mars-like soil and atmosphere. Prepare the soil by actively pumping out all gases already stuck in rocks of similar composure. High vacuum would make them evaporate...See more

Do colours persist in digital images when noone is watching? The #FractalUniverseRevolution is Unstoppable, in black, and in white too! ! - - Rem/Lik/Sub/Çat/Wir#FUR/Mor

More from Virtualstan Leejohn Conwayverse

How to make Mars-plants that flourish without a dome of Earth-like conditions, in 3 easy steps: 1) Take some Mars-like soil and atmosphere. Prepare the soil by actively pumping out all gases already stuck in rocks of similar composure. High vacuum would make them evaporate...See more

Do colours persist in digital images when noone is watching? The #FractalUniverseRevolution is Unstoppable, in black, and in white too! ! - - Rem/Lik/Sub/Çat/Wir#FUR/Mor