Climate change activists love to insist that carbon dioxide is behind global warming, and they’ve made a sport out of refuting claims to the contrary. However, it’s getting harder to defend their delusional stance as more than 100 different scientific papers and counting show...See more

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A mother of four in Australia has apparently been “slammed” for a #Facebook post in which she said she liked to get up early and make breakfast for her husband. I know, the sheer temerity of it, right? Smith’s story was introduced on an Australian TV show by the female host...See more

In the rush to develop a vaccine against the China #coronavirus in the next 90 days, public health officials are mentioning several experimental technologies — never before released openly for public use. One of those technologies is: DNA insertion. “By delivering synthetic...See more

“The bottom line is ‘climate’ is not about controlling the weather; it’s about controlling you”, Milloy told Marlow, in a broad-ranging discussion about global warming and the hypocrisy of the environmental movement. “There is not a climate bedwetter who is not a total...See more

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A mother of four in Australia has apparently been “slammed” for a #Facebook post in which she said she liked to get up early and make breakfast for her husband. I know, the sheer temerity of it, right? Smith’s story was introduced on an Australian TV show by the female host...See more

In the rush to develop a vaccine against the China #coronavirus in the next 90 days, public health officials are mentioning several experimental technologies — never before released openly for public use. One of those technologies is: DNA insertion. “By delivering synthetic...See more

“The bottom line is ‘climate’ is not about controlling the weather; it’s about controlling you”, Milloy told Marlow, in a broad-ranging discussion about global warming and the hypocrisy of the environmental movement. “There is not a climate bedwetter who is not a total...See more