#books #terrorism #guantanamo #extraordinaryrendition #humanrights There is was/is a simple diplomatic solution for the perceived Public Relations image problem of transferring terrorists to countries that terrorist sympathizers allege might treat terrorists as terrorists, and possibly even torture them. The USA should simply announce that the USA will not transfer any terrorist to a country that has been condemned, banned and sanctioned by the United Nations. If the United Nations does not feel the need to condemn and sanction countries such as China, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc., there should be no reason for the USA to refrain from shipping terrorists to those countries. The terrorist sympathizing human rights groups can stuff it if they do not agree with the United Nations. Terrorist members of ISIS and Al Queda, etc. captured and held as combatants are at war with the USA and IMO should be held until the war is over and a peace accord has been reached or until the MFing Islamist Terrorist is too old, frail and decrepit to ever threaten or cause harm to another living being again. This book, Power Wars is remarkably fair and forth coming on Obama's policies and very hard on the Bush administration. I do not know where Savage leans but so far the information seems very good and fair. -Mr EntryReqrd Excerpt: Power Wars: The Relentless Rise of Presidential Authority and Secrecy by Charlie Savage - Nov. 2015 Part II: War in the Twenty-First Century 4. Look Forward, Not Back (Captives 2009) [Wilson’s final major recommendation was to keep transferring detainees to countries that might be hostile toward them so long as the receiving nation provides credible diplomatic assurances that it will not abuse them. These included prisoners handed over in covert-intelligence transfers, the CIA’s practice of secretly transferring terrorism suspects to the custody of other governments’ security services. This practice, sometimes called extraordinary ...

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