Twitter 2009: use as you see fit 2010: losses 2011: losses 2012-2017: losses 2018: we shut down the APIs; you can only use OUR app now, with #surveillancecapitalism and ads! 2019: we delete inactive accounts 2020: we outsource the processing 2021: we will shut down soon (no money, really sorry mate!)

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More from Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)

"The cloud" saves you money like going to Town to use the public toilets saves you money (water and paper) #clowncomputing is a lie and all this outsourcing of data and computing -- this passage of control/power -- will cost a lot in the long run

The #gnu #linux 'cake analogy' goes a long way because yes, #aws might get something working, but 1) you're spied on 2) you're not in control 3) you pay more than you need (the shop or Amazon) 4) you cannot modify, aren't portable 5) you give salary to an ignorant buyer

Saying you know #AWS and not #Linux or #GNU is like saying know where to buy a cake but haven't a clue how to cook/prepare one and can't even name the ingredients. Who better to hire?

More from Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)

"The cloud" saves you money like going to Town to use the public toilets saves you money (water and paper) #clowncomputing is a lie and all this outsourcing of data and computing -- this passage of control/power -- will cost a lot in the long run

The #gnu #linux 'cake analogy' goes a long way because yes, #aws might get something working, but 1) you're spied on 2) you're not in control 3) you pay more than you need (the shop or Amazon) 4) you cannot modify, aren't portable 5) you give salary to an ignorant buyer

Saying you know #AWS and not #Linux or #GNU is like saying know where to buy a cake but haven't a clue how to cook/prepare one and can't even name the ingredients. Who better to hire?