Katerina Marie Edwards - Beauty Is Your Birth Right (01 of 02) [hd 480p] Katerina explains that women have the right to express, create, explore, define and customize their own beauty as they see fit, for their own reasons. To not feel pressured by insane social justice warrior feminazis. To not feel pressured by misogynist chauvinists. Or trends set by the greedy corporate controlled fashion industry which wants to make money by making you feel broken. To not conform to what society, or anyone insists you must conform to. You have the right to think for yourself, and be yourself -- and not feel ashamed by any gas lighting that control freaks might attempt to put upon you. Your self image will also effect your genetics and biological health. A sick mind will create a sick body, and that is a scientific fact. This video has been brought to you in part by PSECmedia. Original on BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/2Xq6PgFt32Hn/ Original on Minds: https://www.minds.com/media/1043423277411160064 Original on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tv/Bv3MaXlHRhC/ BitChute Mirror: https://www.bitchute.com/video/WxpTNqFzxF9B/ deviantART Mirror: http://fav.me/ddko0fe Minds Mirror: https://www.minds.com/media/1043402133745737728 LBRY Mirror: https://beta.lbry.tv/@psecdocumentary:4/KaterinaMarie-Edwards-Beauty-Is-Your-Birth-Right-01-of-02-hd-480p:

<!--?xml encoding="utf-8" ?--><p>Katerina explains that women have the right to express, create, explore, define and customize their own beauty as they see fit, for their own reasons. To not feel pressured by insane social justice warrior feminazis. To not feel...See more


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