This the first time my orchid has flowered for a few years. Nestled in the crook of an Olive tree it doesn't get much light these days. Several weeks ago I trimmed a few large branches from the Olive tree, letting in some sunlight, and springtime did the rest. #flora #nature #Australia #myphoto

This the first time my Orchid has flowered for a few years. Nestled in the crook of an Olive tree it doesn't get much light these days. Several weeks ago I trimmed a few large branches from the Olive tree, letting in some sunlight, and springtime did the rest. #flora #nature #Australia #myphoto

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A female Australasian Figbird (Sphecotheres vieilloti). #birds #nature #Australia #myphoto

This Syzygium is the remaining one of two I had in my garden. The other one was killed by borers and this one will also expire soon by the same means. Until then we can enjoy the delightful pink flowers. There are over 1200 species in the genus Syzygium (many not yet fully described) and I can't recall the exact species name of this one (I used to know it). Some Syzygium, (including this one) feature red or pinkish leaves when new growth appears in spring (now) which adds to their appeal as an ornamental. #flora #nature #Australia #myphoto

Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala) in a Buckinghamia tree. Backyard birds. #birds #nature #Australia #myphoto

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A female Australasian Figbird (Sphecotheres vieilloti). #birds #nature #Australia #myphoto

This Syzygium is the remaining one of two I had in my garden. The other one was killed by borers and this one will also expire soon by the same means. Until then we can enjoy the delightful pink flowers. There are over 1200 species in the genus Syzygium (many not yet fully described) and I can't recall the exact species name of this one (I used to know it). Some Syzygium, (including this one) feature red or pinkish leaves when new growth appears in spring (now) which adds to their appeal as an ornamental. #flora #nature #Australia #myphoto

Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala) in a Buckinghamia tree. Backyard birds. #birds #nature #Australia #myphoto