de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers Flyer No. 334, Part 1 Title : Third Wave Feminists Will Either Reform or Die Out Text URL : All Flyers URL : Book : “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Flyers for Men’s Studies Courses” by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from) Descr : This flyer states that third wave feminism will be forced, by the combined moral and political pressure of the masculists and female masculists, to either reform their policy of empowering women, so that they abandon their push for equal outcomes for women (i.e. women quotas) in favor of equal opportunities for women, that don’t discriminate against men’s superior genetic abilities, otherwise the masculists and female masculists, will destroy third wave feminism, by totally discrediting it, with such a hatred that young women will abandon it, because they want to have babies. The masculists are teaching these young women that they are being deprived from having quality babies by the third wave feminazis due to the latter’s takeover of the divorce courts, making them so toxic for men, that young quality men refuse to give young women their sperm.


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