Origins of the Ancient Egyptian Word "Amenti" Iment (Ament) I-am/ Imu (Apis) = Translation "West" Enti = Translation "That" Enti, like the Hebrew rttJM, and the relative pronoun in European languages, gives rise to various important conjunctions by its combination with prepositions and other words as: u I mix enti = so that so as her enti = because q B ter enti = since that er enti = for that"enti"+word+ancient+-nome&source=bl&ots=wDdHOK2CCj&sig=ACfU3U0dUuTVxIguoSkU-3GDNX-1BOLyMQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj66s7Fy-bjAhXKrZ4KHS1MBSg4ChDoATACegQICRAB#v=onepage&q=egypt "enti" word ancient -nome&f=false AmDuat is the Kingdom of the Westing which is Going Up From The Horizon or Passing into the Spirit World. So, "Am" is a tether, which opens the gates of Amenti and Amduat.

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Elder Dragon Reply: Yes, i think you understand and others and understanding, which is hard to convey, the dweller within which one can be a vessel of light for. There is indeed a war of The Brothers of Darkness versus The Brothers of Brightness. The best we can do, is set those who we can, free, from the fetters of darkness. Conveying this information and instruction for others is key to this awakening! Let the light dwell within, Much love Corey

More from Fates De Whynot

Elder Dragon Reply: Yes, i think you understand and others and understanding, which is hard to convey, the dweller within which one can be a vessel of light for. There is indeed a war of The Brothers of Darkness versus The Brothers of Brightness. The best we can do, is set those who we can, free, from the fetters of darkness. Conveying this information and instruction for others is key to this awakening! Let the light dwell within, Much love Corey